Monday, January 14, 2013

Winter Qtr starts again

Not a lot of hours in the shop so far, and wont be for the rest of this quarter due to extra general ed classes I'll be taking, but I do have a little bit that I've picked up so far.  BTC's Yale forklift was burning coolant and poofing out loads of smoke, so I finally got the head off today.  I want to do some more research in regards to what kind of unique wear that propane has over gas.  I did figure out that it has a very similar engine to a 1988 mazda b2200 2.2L FE (still haven't found the engine tag).  Also put a little time into seeing how a propane system works, and it is pretty much the same as gas.  A little conversion kit is all it took, and it burns the gas like any other fuel.  Boom! and the crank goes round.  Pretty basic, but I wanted to make sure before I tore into it.  I'll get some pics of the gasket and head damage after I do that propane damage research.  

Total hours must be around: 18


  1. Edit on this post: No tag found yet, but found a big ol' F2 stamped between the head and block. Helpful...

  2. That's cool that your doing this project because, at work we have a Toyota forklift with a blown head gasket that I'm going to repair in the near future. We will have to compare notes sometime.

  3. I know you worked this quarter...any hours to report?

    As a reminder...

    Be sure to check my blog before you come in on the 2nd. I will push out an Angel e-mail also.

    See you then!
