Sunday, September 23, 2012

These boards are light...

After going through last year's spring quarter blogs during the electrical portion, I found something that reminded me that when I can't figure something out to slow down and let the problem air.  If I try and focus on the problem and not what my solution 'could' be, I seem to mentally block myself from any more figuring.

Here we have a light board that comes bare with wires to wire it all up.  Includes the entire lighting circuit for a Kenworth, judging by how the schematics are drawn up.  We had some trouble with getting the brake lights, stop lights, and turn signals to work properly.  After giving it a day to think about, we came back in the morning and studied the schematic and diagrams provided in the teaching manual.  We figured out that the blinkers and the brake lights both are wired in series with the blinker lever.  Once we found that out, the rest of it was in the bag. 

Here's a circuit we wired up with: a 9v battery, relay, wires, and a light bulb.  Crimped the wires for the relay ourselves, and can now be used as a tester relay.  Very handy.

After going through last year's spring quarter blogs during the electrical portion, I found something that reminded me that when I can't figure something out to slow down and let the problem air.  If I try and focus on the problem and not what my solution 'could' be, I seem to mentally block myself from any more figuring.

K.I.S.S.  Keep It Simple Stupid

WEEK 1 HRS:  24

1 comment:

  1. Oh boo. Have to really turn my head to watch that first video :(
